Friday, January 21, 2011

Servants of Christ

1 Cor. 4:1-"Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ..."

That verse says that others should consider us to be servants and the Lord  our Master.  We have an excellent text for being a servant....John 13.

In vs. 4 & 5 gives us a great outline to follow when it comes to serving others...
-He quit what He was doing
-He removed any hindrances
-He found the tools He needed
-He prepared Himself
.....and then He washed their feet. And in a further example of self-sacrifice He dried their feet with the towel He was using to keep Himself dry.

He served Thomas knowing he would doubt.
He served Peter knowing he would deny.
He served Judas knowing he was a devil.
He served the others knowing they would forsake Him at His death & hide in fear.

Jesus wasn't their servant b/c they were deserving and certainly those around me don't deserve it either (nor do I). No, He served & I should serve b/c it is the Master's wish. It's a 'ur wish is my command,' kind of thing.

Peter almost had it right. He was closer than the others anyway. He realized the impropriety of the situation & argued for Jesus to stop in vs. 6 & 8. But he fell short of the best response. Instead of opening his big mouth he should have followed the perfect example before Him & taken the Lord's place on the floor with the towel & basin of water. He should have been the one to have washed the dirty feet. Or better yet, he should have come up with the whole idea himself when the host or hostess didn't provide a servant to do it. That's the lesson here...don't wait to be served, serve others. I know it's not easy. Peter had the Lord right there in the very same room & he couldn't do it!

What is it that I am complaining about in my life? I should stop arguing with the Lord & start washing some feet! If I'm serving others I'll be too busy to notice what others are or are not doing & it will not go unrewarded. Matthew 24:46!!!


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