Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24, 2011

PROVERBS OF THE DAY: “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.” Just when you think you’ve got everything right & inline, sometimes you get hit with what can be described as a “spell of weakness” of the mind & body! Its Monday morning…..I’ve been to church & got fed, I’m prayed up, got the right attitude, and already read my Bible;  I’ve even had a healthy breakfast (ha ha), but now somehow, my strength is small. Boy, does the devil ever quit?
Anyway, looking forward to a busy, “something-every-night” week, here’s two reasons not to kill the cat or declare a “Anne of Green Gables day” & camp out on the couch….
1.       Jesus never quit! Hebrews 12:3-“For consider him that endured such contradictions of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.”
2.       There’s a reward coming! Gal.6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
I think I’ll pray some more, wipe another yucky nose & keep crawling along. No matter what has happened or what will happen, my husband’s kisses are sweet, I love my babies and my Father’s always in control.
Corinthian Criticisms, Comparisons, & Complaints
I Cor. 4:6-21
I Cor. 4:9 says, “For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death; for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels and to me.”
In verse 10 Paul points out some interesting comparisons; contrasting himself & other apostles with “ordinary” Christians……-Fool/wise, Weak/strong, Honorable/dishonorable.
And in verses 11-13 Paul lists what could be called “complaints”….hunger & thirst, nakedness, beatings, homelessness, hard work, sufferings, slanderings. He  also says, “We are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day.” He’s not talking about all Christians, just the apostles!

He didn’t say all that to make the Christians feel bad.  He just wanted them to know what was happening to him, their spiritual father (and to all the apostles), & to warn them he could die or be taken away from them very easily (vs. 14).  He didn’t ask for help in this passage or use his problems as excuses. Then, he went further & told them to follow him. My favorite verse here is verse 16…”I beseech you, be ye followers of me.”  He wanted his kids to be like him.

I have a spiritual father. I also have had people in my life who have taught me & been my example, people who have worked & prayed for me. I am learning not to take them for granted or treat them lightly. I won’t have them forever.

 Now, I find myself in that position. I’m the one who has been through some things (nothing like Paul, of course) & I’m doing the begging now or rather, the praying...  Lord, please help me display a faithfully example for my daughters & teens & others so they might see the Savior & follow Him!  


Success for life

For you Kristi, I write this.....

To all that may follow in your steps know that the Beauty that they see in your face is but flesh, the glow however comes from the spirit inside, The Holy Spirit and to this they too may become closer to God by knowing
you. Friend in Christ..........Scoot

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