Saturday, February 18, 2012

Devotions 2/18

Pro. 18:15 "the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge."

Exodus 13:17 "God led them not thru the philistines although that was near; for God said, lest peradventure the people repent when they see war & they return to egypt." The Bible says the Lord will not test us more than we can stand. He always stops the temptation before it does us in. I Cor. 10:13. If thats true & we believe it is-all the Isrealites that didnt make it to the promise land died in vain. All the armies, famine, thirst, chaos, defeat....everything they faced....wasnt more than they could handle. If it had been, the Lord wouldnt have allowed it, like He didnt allow them to meet the philistines right away in this chapt. They simply made the choice to rebellel & give up. It certainly gives me a shot in the arm to remember this awesome principle! No matter what happens today...2 accidents a.k.a. "poopy in panties" with my two hear old or bad gas pains in my three month old during the suppose to be "long" nap a total hissy fit by my soon-to-be 5 year old (this is MY world on a normal day)the Lord has already given permission for it all to be. Sometimes I think He has more faith in me than I do & thats just it! Its not ME, its HIM! Its His strength(not mine) that enables me to reach the promise land. If at the end of my day, I havent, its not His fault.I've tried to change the poopy(really, trash the dirty panties), administer gas drops & spank w/o His strength! Ex. 15:2 Is. 12:2-"Jehovah is my strength!"

Thursday, February 16, 2012


"...the answer of the tongue is from the Lord." (Vs. 1) Kenneth is going with a friend today to look at a house the friend wants to buy so we can rent it. It awesome to know I dont have to have faith in Kenneth to make the right decision for us....his answer will be from the Lord!

Hebrews 11-The Faith Chapter! Saw a quote on fb today. It said something like this....."Faith & doubt cant live in the same mind. You must decide which one will stay."
Heard someone else say, "Its not HOW MUCH faith one has....its WHO they place their trust IN that matters." Thats true because the NT says that with just a tiny amount of faith u can move a big mountain! How? Cause its not OUR faith that drives the dump truck to move it.....God does it. If these people had only little faith, then MY faith must be practically nonexistant! Just a few thoughts on faith to think about today!

Exodus 15